Extend The Life Of Your Marble Floors

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Extend The Life Of Your Marble Floors

Extend The Life Of Your Marble Floors

That freshly installed marble floor is definitely elegant. Clean and polished, you want its sparkling look and feel to last for long. One of the core reasons behind the popularity of these kinds of floors is the aesthetic appeal that comes with each marble slab, with its unique character adding to the décor of the space. The floors are also highly durable, capable of taking on the load that comes with high traffic environments. However, despite the strength of the installation, the wrong floor cleaning measures can easily damage the floor.

Acid Threats

Sure, the marble is formed under intense heat and pressures witnessed within the earth’s core. With such strong origins, it is surprising just how fragile the natural stone is. Its high-alkaline mineral content makes it susceptible to acids – which is why you see practices like cutting lemons on the countertops being discouraged, and where an accident like where cranberry sauce spills on your marble floor can cause corrosion. When acidic liquids wind up on the marble surface, reactions occur that cause etching. These affected spots cannot be simply scrubbed out during the routine floor cleaning. This is as it’s the marble structure itself that has actually been “eaten away”. However, it’s not all gloom and doom. With a stone cleaning powder and some buffing to deal with the minor etches and scratches that are on the floor, you can restore its beauty. Professional refinishing services are usually needed if the damage is extensive.

In line with this, you should avoid acidic cleaners for the task. These include the likes of vinegar or lemon juice solutions that could have been prepared to target those stubborn spots. They end up ruining the floor. Use floor cleaning formulations that have been developed for marble floors. 

What about alkali solutions? Some like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can be used. However, even here, you need to take particular note of the colour and makeup of the floor. For instance, the ammonia can bleach out dark marble. Ammonia is likely the strongest DIY household solution that you can use – but ensure that it is diluted, and that the area that you’re working in is well-ventilated. Hydrogen peroxide on the other hand is a popular agent for removing those tough stains that have been formed on light-coloured marble. However, since it also has bleaching properties, it will also discolour darken marble. 

When dealing with a new floor cleaning product, always test out its effects on an inconspicuous section of the floor. Neutral agents or a pH-balanced marble cleaner are ideal – and will get the task done. After the cleaning, thoroughly rinse out the floor to flush out any residual chemicals, and dry out the surface. 

Picking the right equipment

During the floor cleaning, you don’t want to end up scratching the floor. Here, avoid tools that are rough or sharp. Hard-bristled preaches, scouring powders and the like – these will end up ruining the surface. Instead, go for tools like microfibre dust mops that are soft enough for the floor, while still delivering the desired cleaning action. Soft-bristles brises can be used – and always try to brush in one direction. 

The excess water problem

You shouldn’t soak the marble floor in cleaning solutions. Wring out the excess liquid from the mop or cloth being used for the task. Once you’re done with the cleaning, use a soft cloth or clean mop to dry the floor. This is to avoid risks of rust stains being formed on the floor, especially for the marble installations that have iron oxide. 

Deal with spills immediately

You don’t want the marble floor soaking up those liquids and forming unsightly stains on the structure. Blot out the stains, then flush the area with water, which helps in neutralising the pH and minimising the risks of etching the surface – especially when you’re dealing with substances like coffee spills, citrus, tomato or vinegar that wound up on the floor. Remember to dry out the area. 

There are different kinds of stains that can form on the marble floor. Take oil-based stains for instance. These can be from that lipstick dripping onto the surface during the morning rush to get ready, some cooking oil that spilled, or someone stepped in engine oil and proceeded to walk into the house. These splotches can permeate into the stone, and here the cleaning agent used needs to be able to draw up the oily stain from the structure – which is why you still see DIY solutions like cornstarch being fronted. For those tough spots, hydrogen peroxide can be used if you’re dealing with light-coloured marble, and acetone if you’re working on dark marble. Remember that the floor area needs to be flushed with water after the stain has been dealt with, and thereafter the spot dried with a soft towel. 

Ink can also be troublesome to deal with. Here, start by blotting up the excess amount, then wash the area using diluted dish soap, which will break up the dye. Take a clean cloth and soak it with rubbing alcohol, which you then use to continue breaking down the ink stain and absorbing the contents. Diluted ammonia can then follow to remove the remaining ink residue. What about organic stains like urine from pet accidents on the floor? First off, blot up the excess content – taking care not to rub the stain as this will only force it further into the surface. Hydrogen peroxide or diluted ammonia can then be used for breaking up the rest of the stain. 

Such handy DIY hacks can help you deal quickly with the stains as soon as they occur. Having a specialised marble floor cleaning agent will enable you to ensure that the installation is well maintained. Over time, a professional deep clean will be required – especially to deal with those spots that defy conventional cleaning methods. Here, a licensed and insured company comes in, with high-powered machinery and trained personnel to carry out the floor cleaning – and these will have the skills needed to get rid of the spots on your floor without posing a risk to the installation. Definitely, you should be keen when selecting between the different companies available – where you want to ensure that you’re dealing with a firm that can actually be trusted to deliver on its mandate. 

Extend The Life Of Your Marble Floors

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